
Proudly Display Your Veterans Flag
By Bill Shayler

I sadly remember the day we buried my father. An American flag covered the coffin before being transported to the cemetery. There it remained during the service. At the end of the service my brother-in-law and I tried our best to remember our own military training while we folded dad's burial flag into a neat triangle and took it home. Each day similar scenes are repeated across America. Our country has many veterans who have sacrificed and suffered for their country. The number is now growing rapidly. The burial flag represents a period of great sacrifice during the life of one American. In the case of my father who was stationed on the USS Curtiss in Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1942 he was also present aboard the USS Piedmont in Tokyo Bay on September 2, 1945 the day the treaty ending the war with Japan was signed. Most of what happened between these events was never talked about. He held the horror and devastation of this period of his life to himself.

I never really understood how he felt until my own service time during the Viet Nam war. It seems I do not like to talk about that time period either. Perhaps the feeling of sacrifice has again surfaced with my son, a Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps now serving in Baghdad while his wife and daughters wait and hope here at home.

Before his departure my son and I traveled to Washington DC where he and I stood together in the beautiful new World War II Veterans Memorial, we walked the Viet Nam Wall and through the Korean War Veterans Memorial.

Our national memorials in Washington DC have a direct tie to each of the veterans flags in our homes. Each represents the individuals who have given of themselves for the freedom we enjoy in America.

Your veteran's flag should not be placed in a drawer or closet and forgotten. Display or even fly your veterans flag for all to see. Tell people about this person who gave so much. Cherish your flag as you did the loved one who earned it.

My father's flag is proudly displayed in a case made for the display of burial flags in our home. We have an engraved plate attached with a remembrance of him so our grand children can remember him with the pride we all do, as a family and as Americans.

About The Author

Bill Shayler is a professional engraver as well as the owner of Shayler Engraving and, a company specializing in the art of engraving. For more information, please visit:

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Headstone Accessories

Headstone Accessories

Common Options for a Grave Headstone

Common Options for a Grave Headstone
By Timothy Alice

When an individual has passed on, many are buried underground in cemeteries. With cemeteries becoming overcrowded, how will an individual recognize the grave site of their friend or loved one? A marker is generally placed at the top of a burial site.

A grave headstone is a stone marker placed at the head of the grave, otherwise known as the top. When purchasing a grave headstone for a loved one or family member, there are a wide variety of options available. Grave headstones can come as a simple flat slate or they can be a fairly elaborate marker in the shape of something or just a waist level marker. The final decision will be depend on the preference of remaining family members and the rules and guidelines of the cemetery.

Many cemetery will perform standard ground maintenance, such as moving the lawn and plowing driveway paths. Depending on the cemetery, it may be familyís responsibility to properly care for and keep the gravestone site cared for. It is common for remaining family or friends to place flowers or keepsake memories on a grave headstone. After time, these item may die or wear away, this may be something the family may have to take care of.

An additional concern with cemeteries and gravestones is that they are not always guaranteed to be safe. Unfortunately we live in an age where violence and vandalism is on the rise. Although a cemetery will do their best of ensure the remains and grave headstone of your loved one is safe, they cannot guarantee it. Purchasing a durable grave headstone may help to reduce the risk of later having to purchase another one.

A strong and durable gravestone is not only a good protection against vandalism and destruction, it can also ensure that the head gravestone will still be standing and legible after sometime. By visiting an older cemetery, it is apparent that many of the gravestones are old and falling apart. The procedure for making a grave headstone has greatly improved, so it unlikely that todayís gravestones will fair that way.

When an individual passes on and a grave headstone is purchased, a epitaph is usually carved in. An epitaph can be a unique quote or a religious quotation to offer respect and reflect on the life of the deceased. In addition to an epitaph, other standard information and art may be carved in the stone. It is common for a gravestone to have the name of the individual, their birth date, and they date that they died. It is not uncommon for gravestones to come engraved with religious or traditional designs. Some of these markings may include, but are not limited to, a dove, heart, flower, cross, or angel.

Picking out and purchasing a grave headstone is an important decision. That stone will forever mark and give remembrance to the family member or friend that you lost. = Timothy Alice is a writer for Funeral Market where you can find burial urns and funeral caskets of high quality at discount prices.

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